Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant J85500D-3
Issue 5 January 1999
Engineering, Planning and Ordering 3 - 5
equipment may have a combination of resistive and constant
power characteristics.
In the telecommunications industry, List 1 and List 2 are the
designations of the load current drains which have historically
been used to size various elements of the battery plant. These
values are normally provided for each load circuit or group of
load circuits through engineering of the load equipment, a topic
not covered in this manual. These terms may be briefly defined
as follows:
LIST 1 drain: the average “busy-hour” current during normal
plant operation (i.e. at float voltage). This value is used to size
batteries and rectifiers.
LIST 2 drain: the peak current under worst case conditions of
voltage, traffic, etc. This current is used to size load feeder
cables, plant discharge capacity and overcurrent protectors.
The summations of List 1 and List 2 drains for all the individual
load circuits provide the List 1 and List 2 drains, respectively, for
the entire battery plant.
Initial List 1 drains are used to size initial rectifiers and batteries
since these components may be added relatively easily to
operating plants. To determine the initial rectifier and battery
needs, fill in the current drain information for all load circuits in
the initial installation in Table 3-A. Use additional sheets, as
As the customer’s power needs evolve, however, load circuits
may need to be added and traffic on existing circuits may
increase. Ultimate List 2 drain should be used to select the initial
sizes of load feeder cables and plant discharge capacity, since
these cannot be readily increased once the plant is installed. In
Table 3-B, fill in the anticipated future drains for the circuits
listed in Table 3-A. Also include in Table 3-B any additional
circuits that may be added and their drains. Recalculate the total
battery plant drains.