Cloud Connectors
Type your event hub name and click “Create a new event hub” button to finish the configuration process.
Figure: Type the new Event Hub name
You have created an Event hub for one day data retention, which means that your data will be kept one day.This
method sets a partition section with value ‘4’, which means the number of partitions the Event Hub may have. Setup in Azure – Setting up shared access in Event Hub
We set up a shared directive to send data with custom credentials.Once we entered on event hub information
(by clicking on event hub), these credentials can be set up in the configuration section, this menu is on top of the
Configure the Event
Click on the “configure” option and a new screen will be displayed. Here you can configure message retention,
event hub state, partition count and shared access policies. This last point (shared access policies) manages
credentials to send and listen messages (or both action), we will create a new credential to send messages. On
“shared access policies”, type a name for your key, and in the permissions drop-down menu, select “Manage”
permission. Then press “save” on the bottom of the screen.