GA 05.141/6.02 - 07/2003
Warning Message
on Display
Unbalanc. PVW13
Unbalanc. PVW24
Unbalanc. PZ12
A rotor displacement excee-
ding the warning threshold
occured. The code designa-
tes the affected axis.
The rotational speed drop-
ped below normal operation
Mains down
The converter is in the gene-
rator mode.
Op. Without Purge
The warning indicates that a
C/CT type of pump is opera-
ted while the purge gas
valve is closed.
The pump drive is blocked.
PK Communication
Converter does not commu-
nicate with the memory chip
of the pump.
Actual frequency exceeds
the setpoint more then 10
The motor current drops to
"0A”; the frequency decrea-
ses to the actual frequency
SPI Com.-Fail
Communication problem bet-
ween main controller and
magnetic bearing controller
Rotor Not Lifted
ABS Not Active
ABS Active
If warning message persists contact Leybold
Check the chamber pressure during operati-
Contact Leybold service.
Reduce backing pressure. Additionally,
check process gas flow.
Set parameter “Normal Operation” to default
95%. Refer also to Section 4.3.5.
Reconnect converter to the mains.
Switch on the converter.
Set purge gas function to Purge ON. (Key
panel or control connector X14).
Deactivate “Emergency off” via control plug
Check BEARING connector and cable for
damages or bent pins. Contact Leybold ser-
vice if the cable is damaged.
Contact Leybold service.
Provide for right setting.
Contact Leybold service if the warning
occurs frequently.
Contact Leybold service
Contact Leybold service
Contact Leybold service
Possible Cause
Mechanical shocks, perhaps due to tool
Shock venting.
Converter failure.
Backing pressure too high during operation.
Parameters “Normal Operation” are not set
Mains interrupted or converter switched off
during operation of the pump.
Purge gas function disabled.
Emergency off active.
BEARING cable damaged or not connected.
Memory chip malfunctioning.
The frequency setpoint has been set during
operation with serial interface e.g. RS232.
Converter failure
Converter failure
Converter failure
Converter failure