Leica VT1000 S – Microtome
Ordering information: replacement parts, accessories and consumables
Magnifier, fiber optics, cold light source
Fiber optics
To be mounted onto the magnifier after the
magnifier has been mounted into the fixture.
Then, connect the fiber optics to the cold
light source.
Ref. no. 0502 30028
To be inserted into the fixture.
Ref. no. 0462 31191
Cold light source Leica CLS 100
Light source of the fiber optics.
100-120 V, 50/60 Hz, Ref. no. 0502 30214
230 V, 50/60 Hz, Ref. no. 0502 30215
240 V, 50/60 Hz, Ref. no. 0502 30216
Fig. 33