Leica VT1000 S – Microtome
Standard delivery
VT1000 S – Basic instrument
0472 35612
1 Silicon tube D-6x1.5 ....................................................................... 0462 27513
1 Set of mains cables
-Mains cable ‘Germany’ ............................................................ 0411 13558
-Mains cable 'USA-CAN-J' ....................................................... 0411 13559
-Mains cable 'UK' ST/BU F-5A .................................................. 0411 27822
1 Set of replacement fuses 2 x T 1.25 A ...................................... 6943 01251
1 Tool set
-1 Allen key, size 2.5 .................................................................... 0194 13195
-1 Allen key size 8.0 ..................................................................... 0194 04792
-1 Manipulator ............................................................................. 0462 28930
1 Microtome protective cover, type 104 R – flexible ................. 0212 04091
1 Instruction manual Leica VT1000 S, in 4 languages .............. 0702 37104
VT1000 S complete configuration
0472 35613
- 1 x VT1000 S Basic instrument .................................................. 0472 35612
3 Specimen discs S,
50 mm, non orientable ..................... 0463 27404
Buffer tray S .................................................................................. 0462 30132
- 5 Countersunk screw, M 5 x 8 ................................................ 2101 77121
- 2 Hose clamps ........................................................................... 0481 41952
Knife holder S – for injector and razor blades ..................... 0462 30131
1 Hexagon key w/handle, size 3 – metric .............................. 0194 04764
1 Bottle of Cyanoacrylate adhesive ........................................ 0371 27414
Magnifier assy. (magnifier glass & carrier) .......................... 0462 31191
VT 1000 S complete configuration & sapphire knife
9010 00001
1x VT1000 S Basic instrument .................................................. 0472 35612
Accessories as for complete configuration above ............ 0472 35613
1x Sapphire knife ......................................................................... 0216 35654
If you ordered additional accessories, please compare the deliv-
ered parts with your order form. Should there be any discrepan-
cies, please contact your local Leica sales representation imme-