Figure 14
. Positioning the Tape on the Slide.
Use the cold Hand Roller to laminate
the Tape to the Slide. Apply even
pressure on the Roller and roll it over
the section under the Tape two or three
Figure 15
. Laminating the section to the
Holding the frosted end of the Slide,
remove it from the Blue Pad and
transfer it into the Flash Tray. Gently
push the Slide in as far as it will go,
against the stop. (To check, lift the
Lid.) Close before actuating the flash.
Figure 16
. Placing the slide into the Flash Tray
Push and release the Black Knob to
actuate the UV flash. The UV cures the
adhesive on the Slide into a polymer,
anchoring the frozen section to the
Figure 17
. Curing the adhesive on the Slide