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Example 2.
The pause times lie very much higher than 25 sec, and the oxygen is very low.
Conclusion: The screw feeds too much fuel into the burner, and the adjustment will therefore increase the
pause (P2) and thus reduce the fuel volume.
By reducing the screw running time, the control will reduce the pause so that we get closer to the ideal
time of 25 sec.
In both situations any adjustment should be of maximum 10% up or down, then wait for 1-2 hours before
further adjustments.
As for the running-in times, always double up the periods at the subsequent step as shown in the below
Step 0:
0.33 sec
Step 1:
0.66 sec
Step 2:
1.30 sec
Step 3:
2.60 sec
10.0 Closing Down The Plant.
When closing down the stoker plant, we recommend you to follow the below procedure.
Set the boiler temperature at 20°C below the actual temperature, and the stoker will pause.
Press the STOP SCREW button so that no more fuel is entered into the plant.
Wait for 5-10 minutes, to allow for all the fuel in the combustion chamber to burn.
Turn off the stoker on the STOP button (red button).
Allow it to cool down a little, and scrape out the remaining fuel from the burner head.
Use water to put out any possible ember.
When you are absolutely convinced that any fire has been extinguished, you may leave the plant.
If the plant is to remain inactive for a period, for example during the summertime, run it empty of
pellets and clean the boiler thoroughly.