Vendro 680
Original operating instructions 150001223_01_en
Damaged hydraulic hoses .................................. 21
Danger associated with welding work ................ 23
Danger resulting from damage to the machine .. 14
Danger when cornering with a hitched machine
and due to the overall width ............................... 18
Danger when driving on road and field............... 18
Danger zone between tractor and machine ....... 16
Danger zone due to trailing machine parts......... 17
Danger zone ejected objects .............................. 16
Danger zone PTO shaft...................................... 16
Danger zone universal shaft............................... 16
Danger zone when drive is switched on ............. 16
Danger zones ..................................................... 15
Dangers arising from environment ..................... 20
Dangers during road travel ................................. 18
Dangers if the machine is not prepared properly for
road travel .......................................................... 18
Dangers in connection with certain activities:
Working on the machine..................................... 22
Dangers in connection with certain activities:
working on wheels and tyres .............................. 23
Dangers when operating the machine on slopes 19
Declaration of conformity.................................. 103
Directories and references ................................... 6
Driving and transport .......................................... 65
Ensuring functionality of safety devices ............. 17
Environmental protection and disposal .............. 19
Field mode on slopes ......................................... 63
Figures ................................................................. 7
Fire hazard ......................................................... 20
For "anti-wrap guard" version ............................. 53
For "longer lower link" version ............................ 52
Hot liquids........................................................... 21
Hot surfaces ....................................................... 22
How to use this document .................................... 6
Hydraulic control units of the tractor ................... 39
Hydraulic diagram .............................................. 96
Hydraulic oil ........................................................ 84
Icons in figures ..................................................... 7
Icons in the text .................................................... 7
Identification plate .............................................. 33
Importance of operating instructions .................. 12
Information for enquiries and orders .................. 34
Information labels on the machine ..................... 29
Information on direction ........................................ 7
Information on This Document ............................. 6
Initial operation ................................................... 40
Intended use....................................................... 11
Jobs on the machine .......................................... 14
Lashing the machine .......................................... 68
Laying the operating cable ................................. 49
Lifting the machine ............................................. 67
Liquids under high pressure ............................... 21
Location and meaning of the information labels . 29
Locking screws on the gearboxes ...................... 79
Locking/releasing stop cock ............................... 55
Lowering machine from transport to working
position ............................................................... 58
Lubricating greases ............................................ 38
Lubricating universal shaft.................................. 87
Lubrication chart - Machine ................................ 88