© MMXXI Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 210902001
Communications with the M-48 SuperMask
How to install Communications in
your M-48 MOD-1 / SuperMask®
| Full Face Mask | 815-060
Communications are available for the M-48 SuperMask
; either hard wire or
wireless. The communications mounting instructions will vary, depending
on what type of system you purchase.
To mount a microphone into the
mask, follow the manufacturer’s rec-
ommended mounting instructions.
In almost all cases, you will need to
open up one of the communications
ports, which are located below the
bottom edge of the mask frame.
Secure using tie wrap, KMDSI P/N
Installing a Communications Port Plug
If the mask has a communications system installed, but you wish to use it
without, remove the communications system from the mask. You will now
need to plug the communications port. Install the communication port
plug as shown, curved side towards the diver’s face.
Dewatering and Tilt to Purge Valve Assemblies
It is important to always clean and flush the purge tube, balanced or tilt
to purge valve assembly after every dive; followed by an inspection for
damage, tears or deterioration of assembly.