O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
Open the bilge doors.
Turn all water pick up ball valves to the closed positions.
Confirm that the main bilge pump is working by checking if bilge water is being
expelled through the main bilge pump discharge through hull, which is located at
the rear starboard side of the boat.
If bilge water is not being discharged:
Locate the main bilge pump, clean out the water pick up and strainer as
described in Section 4 under ‘Cleaning out a bilge pump’.
Confirm that the battery switch is turned on.
Confirm that the battery system is functioning and that all wires leading to the
batteries are secured firmly to the battery posts.
Check that the inline bilge pump fuse has not blown.
If after these checks the bilge pump is still not operating but bilge water level has not
risen, proceed to port for the necessary repairs.
If the bilge pump is still not operable and the bilge water levels continue to climb,
proceed to port promptly while a second person attempts to find and control the source
of the incoming b
ilge water. Ensure that all of the boat’s occupants are wearing their
personal flotation devices.
Prepare to use your manual bailing device or manual bilge pump.
Bow Thruster
An optional bow thruster is available on the 28’ and 30’ models. The bow thruster is
operated by way of a dash mounted joy stick.
The bow thruster motor and tube are located beneath the cuddy platform. The main
250-amp fuse for the bow thrusters is located at the stern of the boat beside the battery
Bow Thruster prop
Joy stick
For bow thruster operational instructions please refer to the manufacturer’s owners