O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
The waste from the fish lockers is evacuated out of through hulls located at the rear of
the boat. If the pump(s) do not work correctly,
Confirm that the battery system is fully charged and functioning and that all wires
leading to the batteries are secured firmly to the battery posts
Confirm that the battery switch is turned on.
Check that the main 30 amp fuse and the fuse under the dash have not blown.
Once the above has been checked, if the pump is still not working, consult a
Kingfisher dealer.
Other Optional Features:
The following features are optional features and may not be offered on all
Kingfisher models.
Interior Upholstery Options:
In the 28’ and 30’, Kingfisher models the port side interior seats can be extended to
allow for more seating room. T
his is done by firmly pulling on the seat’s nylon loops
towards the center of the boat. This will extend the seating by approximately 12”. If the
seats are hard to pull out into their extended position,
Open the cabinet doors and loosen the seat mounting screws by one full turn.
Pull on the nylon loops to confirm correct operation of the slider. If the seat is still
hard to slide, repeat the above process.
Pull loops towards the center of the boat.
On the
25’ / 27’ models, the rear seat can
be moved this way.
The interior upholstery in the 25’, 27’, 28’ and 30’ can be easily converted into a berth.
Firstly, in a 28’ or 30’ remove the forward starboard side backrest and stow it
Lift up the table and remove the table leg. Stow the leg securely.
Place the table down onto the two wooden supports located on the side of the galley
Place the table cushion on top of the table to complete the berth.