O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
Shower System:
The showerhead is located behind the flip down door at the rear of the shower stall.
The water pick-up and ball valve for the toilet is clearly labelled and located behind the
fuel tank, below the bilge doors.
The shower drains directly into a sump pump which is located on the 28’ and 30’
models, underneath the bottom draw of the drawer cabinet.
On the 25’ and 27’
models, the sump is located below the cabin door, behind a vinyl covered board.
The sump contains a small pump which is tripped by the way of a float switch.
When the pump is tripped, the waste water is directed overboard by way of a
through hull.
: To maintain sump operation it is necessary to clean out the filter
screen in the sump box on a regular basis.
To clean out the shower sump;
Expose the sump by, in the 28’ and 30’ models, removing the bottom draw of the
drawer cabinet. On 25’ and 27’ models, unscrew and remove the vinyl covered
board located beneath the cabin door.
Remove the Philips screws in the four corners of the sump box lid and
carefully remove the lid