O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
Welcome to the Kingfisher Family.
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Kingfisher boat. Kingfisher
incorporates the latest innovations in aluminum boat manufacturing. Almost 50
years of research, manufacturing experience, and listening to our customers has
produced the boat you own today. You can be assured that your new Kingfisher
will provide you with years of worry free operation and enjoyment. With superior
styling and performance, Kingfisher is leading the industry in quality and design.
Thank you for choosing Kingfisher
All of the component manufacturer’s Owners Manuals referred to in this
manual should be found at the back of this binder. If not, please contact
your authorized Kingfisher dealer.