O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
Turn off the appliance or component
Move the breaker switch back into the on position
Turn on the component or appliance
: If an appliance or component trips its breaker continually, do not use the
appliance or component and refer to an authorized Kingfisher dealer.
The shore power system is installed with two 110v power receptacles. The first is located
next to the breaker panel with the second located below the rear port side counter top.
These receptacles are GFI protected and have a breaker button built into the front of the
receptacle. If the GFI breaker trips, the button will pop out. Depress the button to re-set
the breaker. There is also a test button located on the face of the GFI plug in, simply
depress the test button until the built in breaker button pops out. This test should be
carried out frequently to ensure that the circuit breaker is working correctly. Be sure to re-
set the breaker button before using the plug in.
Galvanic Isolator:
Every boat that receives a shore power package also receives a galvanic isolator. The
isolator works by interrupting galvanic circuits created with other boats and the dock when
the boat shore power is plugged in and operational.
galvanic isolator’s operational indication lights are visible behind the helm seat
through an access hole in the carpeted shore power panel mounting board.
For operational instructions please refer to the manufacturer’s owners manual.
Accessory Wire Harness (Optional):
An optional wiring upgrade is available on all Kingfisher models.
This consists of a direct power feed from the battery switch to a fuse block and bus bar
located underneath the dash.
The positive feed is fused with a 30 amp inline fuse located close to the battery switch,
behind the bilge doors.