O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
By reading this manual carefully you will learn how to care for your boat, and what your
responsibilities are as the boat’s operator. Your Kingfisher has a limited Lifetime Warranty
which is detailed in Section 7 of this manual for reference.
Please take the time to complete and submit the Warranty Registration. Failure to submit
the registration or neglect or improper care of your boat may void the warranty. The best
way to protect your new Kingfisher is to carry out regular maintenance and inspect your
boat regularly as recommended in this guide.
his manual refers to the other manuals that come with your boat’s equipment and
accessories. It is essential that you read all of these manuals and become familiar with the
care, maintenance, and safe operation of all the equipment aboard your boat. Westwinn
wants you to get the most out of your boating experience, and to come home safely every
time. If you are missing any manuals, see your Kingfisher dealer or equipment retailer for
a replacement.
In Section 1 of this manual you will find a place to record such information as your engine
and boat serial numbers, and your dealership contact information. Keep this information
with your boat for easy reference by yourself or qualified service personnel.
If you have any questions about your boat consult your Kingfisher Dealer. If you have any
questions about your regional and federal boating regulations, contact the local United
States Coast Guard, Transport Canada Office of Boating Safety, or Canadian Coast
Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Office.
Before you go b
oating it is wise to read your boat Owner’s Manual and go through the pre-
trip safety checklist found in Section 2. Ensuring that your boat is in perfect working order
before beginning a voyage will allow you to get the most enjoyment out of your boat every
time you use it.
Important Identification Number Records
Record your Serial numbers of your Hull and Motor(s). The Hull Identification Number or
H.I.N .is located on the starboard side of the transom.
Consult the engine manufacturer’s
owners manual for engine serial number location.
Note: It is also recommended to record the Serial Numbers of other significant items such
as your radar set, etc, if your boat is so equipped.