O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
Bilge Pump Operation:
The main bilge pump(s) is controlled by means of a switch located on the dash and
secondly, by an integral float switch that will be tripped by rising water levels. The
battery switch will need to be in the Battery 1, Battery 2 or the
“All” position for switched
power at the dash to trip the pump. The float switch power to all bilge pumps is hooked
up directly to the battery bypassing the battery switch.
To test the operation of the pumps:
Turn the small knob located on the back of the bilge pump, this lifts up on the float
paddle and trips the pump
Float Switch Test Knob
Once the float switch is tripped, the pump will turn on. Once correct operation is
confirmed, release the knob
Turn on the battery switch to Battery 1, Battery 2 or to the All position
Switch on the bilge pump switch at the dash and check that the pump has tripped,
once correct operation is confirmed turn off the switch
Do not operate the pump dry for longer that a few seconds as this may seriously
damage the pump.