MediaXtreme MediaZone
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
23 Mar 2009
Change 06
All Discs (indicating all laser discs controlled by the system).
Choices for the PRO-8 and PRO-16 do not include laser discs and are limited to:
No Device (selected when switcher events will be programmed)
Tape Deck (which deck will be specified next)
All Decks (indicating all decks controlled by the system
Select Tape Deck to continue building the sample event. If Tape Deck or Laser Disc has been
selected, define what device number it is in the Number drop down menu, which is activated by
those selections.
Each deck or disc is defined in the system by a number. When several devices of the same type
are controlled by the system, it is important that the system know which one is going to be
controlled in the event.
Choices are device numbers 1 through 8. Select 1 as the device for the sample event being built.
Select the control function for the selected device in the Function drop down menu.
If a tape deck device selection has been made, the function choices include:
If a laser disc device selection has been made, the function choices include:
Play Segment
If Play Segment is selected for a laser disc event, the Start and Stop fields in the Laser Disc area
are activated for a segment range to be defined. The valid ranges are from 0 to 54000.
The sample event is programmed to play the tape deck, so select Play. Select the com port that
the Leightronix is connected to with the Port Number drop down menu in the Comm Port area.
Port number choices are 1, 2, 3, and 4. This specification tells the Display Station where to look
for the Leightronix input. Select 2, which is the usual port, for the sample event being
programmed. Typically, the Creation Station is connected to port 1. Program the time and date
elements for the event in the Event Time area.
These parameters define the time and date range within which the event will run.
Start Date and End Date come up with the current date as their defaults. Whatever the date range
must be is specified using the drop down menus for month, day and year.