MediaXtreme MediaZone
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
23 Mar 2009
Change 06
The ADD GRAPHIC dialog box will open. This dialog has its own preview window as shown
This dialog box provides the means to set attributes for all pages.
Dwell time is the duration that a page will stay on-screen. To change the dwell time simply
highlight and type a new dwell. Dwell is measured in seconds (default is 15 seconds). Default
dwell may be changed in the settings.ini file (See Appendix B).
The Color-Key box allows one to choose a color to be keyed out when the page is played. A
color that is keyed out becomes transparent at playback. This special effect attribute will allow
you to add graphics or “floating” text and objects over other pages and backgrounds.
Color-Key can also be turned off to ensure all colors show during playback.
For a .PAG MediaCreator page, if the background is blank (black) it will automatically be keyed
out—no need to select black as the key color.