MediaXtreme MediaZone
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
23 Mar 2009
Change 06
If there is any question on what settings are valid contact an IT professional before proceeding!
There are two ways to obtain a network address. One is DHCP. This method allows an external
device, such as a router, to assign an address automatically . This is the most popular method of
addressing because it allows for maximum flexibility within a network and it is also the safest
and most secure because the assigned IP address changes over time.
The limitation of DHCP it is the same as its strength--the IP number can change over time.
Since IP address is used to connect to the player, it’s rather important to know this IP number at
all times (when the IP changes via DHCP you won’t necessarily even know it happened).
This makes the second method addressing, called STATIC IPs, the most desirable for this
application. STATIC IPs must be protected by network firewalls and routers. While DHCP is
safer on its own, STATIC IPs are easily guarded.
If DHCP is to be used then simply click OK on the window pictured above.
If there is a DHCP router on the network the player will automatically receive an IP address and
be ready to communicate.
If, on the other hand, a STATIC IP is to be used set it with the IP Properties window (shown
below). This IP address must be something that is compatible with the attached network and is
provided by the IT department or network administrator.
To set the STATIC IP, left-click the USE THE FOLLOWING IP ADDRESS radio button.