– Getting Started Guide
13. Enable the Bluetooth and Bonding options by ticking the appropriate boxes and then enter the BD Address
as noted above and the Pin Code as required (Suggest 0000). Click Add
Now click ‘Set Param’. And wait for the settings to be set
exit the B EPL Setting Tool’
16. disconnect the printer cable
17. turn off the printer
start the printer normally (press the ‘Power’ button only).
Right click on the Bluetooth icon in the system tray and select ‘Add a device’.
19. Wait a second or two for the printer to be found and labelled correctly.
20. Select the Toshiba Tec BT and select next.
Select ‘Enter the devices pairing code’. This is the pin code entered in 13
22. Enter the code set previously and select next. (0000)
23. Select Finish
Right click on the Bluetooth icon in the system tray and select ‘Show Bluetooth Devices’
25. Right click on the Toshiba Tec Printer and select properties.
26. Browse to the Hardware tab and make a note of the COM Port.
27. Browse through to Start
– Programs – TOSHIBA TEC – TCPL Printer Driver – Driver Wizard
28. Select the option to install printer drivers and select next
29. Select the TEC B-EP2DL-G printer and select next
30. If the option to specify a COM port appears, select the COM port previously noted and select next (skip
steps 27, 28 and 29 below). If this option does not appear carry on and DO NOT skip the steps in red
31. Ensure it is set as the default printer and select next
32. Browse through to Start
– Devices and printers.
Right Click on ‘TEC B-EP2DL-G’ and select ‘Printer Properties’.
34. Select the Ports and select the COM port selected before.
35. Go to the tools tab, select Driver Options
Select the import button and import the ‘Printer Options.sds’ file from USB
37. Change back to the general tab and, with the printer in normal mode, try a test print.
38. Grab a copy of the Bluetooth.options from USB Stick file and browse through to %appdata%
39. Browse through to \Keynetix\KeyLogBook and paste the file into here.
40. From the motion dashboard reset the screen to landscape
42. Test a print from KeyLogBook.