– Getting Started Guide
View Instructions
The imported drilling instruction for this project is available via the
Drilling Instruction
button to view at any
(note you cannot edit the imported drilling instructions).
Closing KeyLogbook
Once you have started recording exploratory hole information the closing of KeyLogbook can only be achieved by
either ending the
or ending the
exploratory hole
. Once the exploratory hole has been closed and the data
saved you can close down the programme by going to the project screen and pressing the
button in the
bottom left hand corner of the screen. The tablet can now be turned off by the normal start shut down routine
Producing Output
All output from KeyLogbook is achieved via either the
End Shift / Hole
option and selecting
xport options
in left
hand corner of the screen or by selecting the
xport options
from the main options menu.
The default email address can be set here; all data will automatically go to this address on each export.
The USB option will need the drive selecting (normally D) and the file to be given a name
The FTP will need to be configured by your internal IT administrator
Log sheets
Log sheets are exported in PDF and are not editable
Measure Sheets
Measure sheets are exported in an Excel Format and can be edited
Invoices are exported in PDF and are not editable
AGS files
AGS files are exported in an AGS3 & 4 format and can be imported into any programme accepting the AGS format
for input
Sample Labels
The sample labels have been produced solely for KeyLogbook further supplies can be obtained by contacting the
01295 670990 or via the KeyLogbook web site www.Keylogbook.co.uk.