– Getting Started Guide
Edit details
By tapping the
edit details
you can review and edit the current project details, if you imported the project
instruction these details are those given by the project engineer.
Measure Sheet
Here you may view the current project measure i.e. the number of SPTs you have taken or amount of grout used,
this is a real time accurate measure of the current job. At the end of a shift, exploratory hole or the end of the job
this sheet is sent to the engineer in an Excel format for his use.
you cannot edit this sheet as it is
calculated from the data already input.
The template is sent with the exploratory hole logs at the end of each day to the pre-loaded email or FTP address.
Invoice Number
Keylogbook version one does not automatically assign an Invoice number to each new project therefore this
number needs to be set on each project.
Here you can view the current project invoice; this is a real time accurate measure of the current project. At the end
of the project the Invoice can be sent directly to the client in a PDF format. This is also saved on KeyLogbook so
you can transfer to a USB stick (see export data below) and printed from that to a hardcopy. Please ensure
hardcopies are obtained for your company records.
you cannot edit this sheet as it is calculated from the
data already input.
Export Hole
Here you may export the current hole data, you will need to select how you wish to export either by Email FTP or
USB or any combination of these, you need to have a phone connection for the Email and FTP option
You can export the current data at any time by using the
button from the Options screen
Export Project
Here you will be offered a choice of which Holes/ Projects you wish to export before being taken to the main export
screen, you will need to select how you wish to export either by Email FTP or USB or any combination of these,
and you need to have a phone connection for the Email and FTP option
The data is sent electronically is sent in both AGS 3 & AGS 4 format, PDF or excel format. Or any combination of
Export Options
By tapping the
export options
button in the bottom left corner of the export screen the settings for the FTP, Email
and USB can be set. If you wish to use any of the export options these need to be set from this screen. This is also
used to send data to the support team should a problem ever occur with your keylogbook simply tap support and
email support