– Getting Started Guide
Do I have to print the labels individually or can I print them all at the end of the day?
KeyLogbook is designed to avoid printing all at once, standards state that samples should be labelled immediately
so the sample label is produced at the time the sample is entered. This avoids confusion of mislabelled samples.
What if I want to use my own descriptions?
You can add all your own descriptions to the programme. The programme also stores them so you can use them
again on the next hole/ project.
I suppose I still have to write the installation details by hand?
No, KeyLogbook records many different types of installation from simple standpipe to multiple installs in one hole,
stores them and sends them with your exploratory hole log.
How many projects can it store?
Probably more than you will ever do the 60GB card can store thousands of projects as we only store the data.
Can I use the computer for other things?
The computer has been designed to be used for the recording of your drilling data. It can do all the things a normal
computer does; We cannot however support the use of the computer for different applications.
What if I lose it or it gets stolen?
Unfortunately the same as if you lose any piece of equipment you will need to replace it. We strongly recommend
you insure it. We can help to replace the lost data but not the hardware.
What does it come with?
KeyLogbook comes in its own waterproof very strong carry case, inside the custom designed case is the computer,
pre-loaded with the software, the printer, printer cleaning tools, chargers both 240v and 12V, 2 rolls of labels, a
USB flash drive. Full instructions and quick start guide.
Can I hire KeyLogbook for specific jobs?
A hire option is available please contact The Equipe Office for details on 01295 670990
How do I print the logs?
By utilising a full size printer export the PDF and print from any computer with a printer connected
Computers and site work don’t really go together surely the computer will not last?
We have sourced a high IP rated computer with this in mind with careful use the tablet computer is very capable of
surviving normal site use.
Does it record what time I do everything?
No KeyLogbook only records the times you put into it, it does not record any other times