– Getting Started Guide
Can KeyLogbook tell me the position of the exploratory hole?
Yes, by using the in built GPS positioning software, the accuracy of the position is as with all GPS systems
dependant on the number of satellites available at any one time. Version 2 of KeyLogbook this will work via
KeyLogbook is self and will be able to find the exploratory hole position too!
How do I know KeyLogbook logs conform to the standards?
The software has been written and reviewed by the
country’s leading experts in standards within the industry. It has
been checked time and time again to ensure it conforms to all current standards. As data is entered it checks that it
matches the standards. Upgrades will continue to ensure this is on-going. KeyLogbook ensures that all the data
required by clients and standards are completed ensuring no missing data, first time every time. The second
generation KeyLogbook will even check that sampling instructions are being followed.
What else does the software do?
The software will deal with all aspects of the working day recording not only drilling and sampling data but
installation details for, wells piezo etc, permeability- pressure testing and version 2 will contain the rig inspection
sheets too.
It can even be programmed to work out company bonus.
If it creates the invoice, who sets the rates
You do, it’s all customisable to your rates and your company details even down to your payment terms, and VAT
rate etc can be changed at the touch of a button.
What happens if the screen gets damaged or scratched?
KeyLogbook comes with a gorilla screen which is scratch resistant we can also supply a replaceable screen
protector which should ensure it is well protected from scratching. Note scratching is not covered under the
standard warranty
What if I am in an area which cannot receive mobile phone signals?
It is the same as having a poor or no mobile phone signal on your phone, you will need to move to an area with a
better signal. KeyLogbook will store the information and wait until it is a better reception area where it will send the
Can KeyLogbook be used by more than one crew?
There is nothing to stop you doing this but the concept is designed to replace the drillers log book. To get the most
out of KeyLogbook it is better to assign one to each crew.
If holes are added to a job after it has started can this be accommodated?
Yes, you can either send details to KeyLogbook via email or the driller can add extra holes to the schedule. This is
particularly useful if a hole has to be moved for some reason and another hole is drilled i.e. BH1 moved to BH1A.
The site instructions can be updated at any time.
Can I be sent exploratory hole details before the scheduled end of the hole or shift?
Yes the operator can carry send the data at any time.