Editing Parameters
The PRO SOLO Mk3 has a number of parameters, each with several possible values. Settings
are changed by selecting a parameter and then adjusting the value accordingly. To switch
between parameter and value modes, briefly press the SELECT button.
Parameter Mode SELECT
Value Mode
When the PRO SOLO Mk3 is in Parameter Mode, the PARA dot will be lit and
“P” will appear in
the left digit. The parameter number will be shown in the right two digits. An overview of the
parameter list is printed on the PRO SOLO Mk3 itself, although whenever the parameter
number is changed, its name will scroll across the display
i.e. “MIDI rec channel”.
The full list
of parameters and their associated values can be found starting at page 14.
When in value mode, the VAL dot will be lit instead. The value will be displayed across all three
digits. A negative value is signified by a minus appearing in the left digit.
The value or parameter can be adjusted using the INC and DEC buttons to scroll through the
available options. To increment or decrement the value faster, hold either the INC or DEC
button and then press the other.
When you change the value of a parameter, this will be stored in memory and recalled on start-
up. The PRO SOLO Mk3 can store and recall 32 sets of parameters, referred to as a setup.
Holding down the SELECT button (as long as the current Parameter is not 98 or 99) will clear any
playing note in the event of a ‘stuck note’.