Parameter List
General & Note
MIDI Receive Channel
(default: 1)
Range: 1 to 16
Sets the MIDI receive channel.
Re-trigger Time
(default: 5 = 1ms)
Range: [off] and 1 to 25 (0.2ms to 5ms)
If set to off, successive simultaneous notes will not re-trigger the gate, also known as legato triggering. If set
to a number, a new note will briefly turn the gate off before turning it back on again. The number relates to
the off time in approximately 0.2ms increments.
Note Priority
(default: New)
New note priority
Low note priority (lowest note currently pressed)
High note priority (highest note currently pressed)
Sets the note priority for when multiple notes are pressed. The PRO SOLO Mk3 has a 5-note buffer memory
so trill effects can be achieved.
Pitch Bend Range
(default: 2)
Range: 0 to ±48 semitones.
Sets how much the CV output will be affected by Pitch Bend, in semitone steps.
Portamento Controller
(default: 65)
Always on
Always off
Automatic (normally off, but legato playing turns it on)
0 to 119
CCs 0 to 119 (value of 0-63 for off and 64-127 for on)
Sets which CC number will turn portamento on or off; or sets to it fixed on, off or Automatic mode.
Portamento Rate
(default: 98)
Range: 1 to 127 (value does not correspond to any particular unit of time)
Sets how long it takes the CV output to glide from one note to another.
Note: to turn portamento off entirely, set P05 (above) to 0
Portamento Type
(default: Fixed Rate)
Fixed rate
Fixed time
Sets the portamento behaviour. In Fixed Rate, the CV will glide between notes at a constant speed, so
the time taken will vary depending on their interval. In Fixed Time, the portamento speed will
automatically change to ensure that the time taken to glide between notes is constant. (In extreme
cases this is not always possible)