Section 2: Performance verification
Model DMM7510 7½ Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter Calibration Manual
DMM7510-905-01 Rev. A / April 2015
Example code for verifying analog trigger current performance
The following example code sets the functions and other settings for the verification of both the DC
current and digitize current. It also sets up the trigger model, retrieves the data, and displays the first
reading on the front panel of the instrument.
localnode.prompts = 1
localnode.showerrors = 1
-- *********************************************
-- **** Setup for measure DC current ****
-- **** Rising edge slope ****
-- *********************************************
dmm.measure.func = dmm.FUNC_DC_CURRENT
dmm.measure.autozero.enable = dmm.OFF
dmm.measure.autodelay = dmm.DELAY_OFF
dmm.measure.nplc = 0.0005
dmm.measure.range = 3
dmm.measure.analogtrigger.mode = dmm.MODE_EDGE
dmm.measure.analogtrigger.edge.slope = dmm.SLOPE_RISING
dmm.measure.analogtrigger.highfreqreject = dmm.OFF
dmm.measure.analogtrigger.edge.level = 1.5
digio.line[1].mode = digio.MODE_TRIGGER_OUT
trigger.digout[1].pulsewidth = 30E-6
trigger.digout[1].stimulus = trigger.EVENT_ANALOGTRIGGER
-- *********************************************
-- **** Falling Edge slope ****
-- *********************************************
dmm.measure.analogtrigger.edge.slope = dmm.SLOPE_FALLING
dmm.measure.analogtrigger.edge.level = -1.50
-- *********************************************
-- **** For Measure Functions ****
-- **** Trigger model setup and ****
-- **** start of triggering ****
-- *********************************************
samp_count = 10
trigger.model.setblock(1,trigger.BLOCK_BUFFER_CLEAR, buf)
trigger.model.setblock(2,trigger.BLOCK_WAIT, trigger.EVENT_ANALOGTRIGGER)
trigger.model.setblock(3,trigger.BLOCK_MEASURE, buf, samp_count)