Ka st up A/“ •
Des iptio •
D •
Mains cables
MULTICAL® 62 is available with mains cables H05 VV-F for either 24 V or 230 V (l=1.5 m):
Figure 20
Mains cable, type 5000-286 (2x0.75 mm²), max. 6 A fuse
is the designation of a strong PVC mantle, which withstands max. 70
C. Therefore, the mains
cable must be installed with sufficient distance to hot pipes etc.
Back-up of data during power down
An early warning circuit and corresponding software is added, securing safety back-up of all main registers
during power down. In fact, this will function as the hourly data back-up, but also during power down. This
will ensure that the meter always starts up with the same display values as before the power break.
This will be effective for both 24V and 230V power break and also when the top part of MULTICAL® 62 is
removed from the base, or in case of a battery failure.
The battery has been constructed to maintain a constant voltage level of 3.6 VDC ±0,1 V throughout its
entire life-
ti e. “ho tl efo e the atte s e e g is use
d completely, the voltage falls. When the battery
reaches 3.1 V the meter safety backs up. When t
he oltage is fu the edu ed, At LO
is displayed to
indicate that the battery voltage of the meter is too low to carry out measurements. At 2.1 V, info code = 1
is logged in the info event logger,
ith ti e a d date, to ake it possi le to see he the atte s e e g
has been completely used up.