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METERTOOL HCW responds by showing a picture of MULTICAL
62 with S/W revision information etc.
From the menu in the left side of the screen a number of different options are available, depending on
mode (Basic/Advanced).
Configuration (Basic/Advanced Mode)
There are two programming mo
des; Pa tial p og a
i g a d Total p og a
i g
Pa tial p og a
i g
does not allow change of coding which is important to flow calculation, e.g.
Type number and Program number.
Total p og a
i g
makes it possible also to change the rest of the values. Programming is only
possible if the internal programming lock is closed (short circuit pen 6699-278).
It is not possible to change the serial number, as this is a unique number which is allocated to the
meter during production.
The program is self-explanatory as to most coding numbers (see text in combo-boxes ), further details
can be found in the respective paragraphs of the technical description.
Partial programming
× = Total programming