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67-00-25: Internal antenna
67-00-26: External antenna connection
Lo pulse inputs (67-00-24) (PCB 5550-1128)
The LON-module is used for data transfer from MULTICAL® 62 either for data reading or for regulation
purposes via the LON-bus, which is ideal for iter alia climate control and building automation. The
high-speed data communication makes it possible to connect many applications to a LON-network.
The connection between the LON-module and and the other LON-nodes consists of standard twisted
pair cable of up to 2700 m length at bus topology or 500 m length at free topology.
The module requires that MULTICAL® 62 is externally supplied (24-VAC /230-VAC); battery supply of
MULTICAL® 62 is not possible (see paragraph 9.8
concerning the function of pulse inputs VA and VB).
Regarding network variable list (SNVT) and further information on the LonWorks module please refer
to the data sheet 5810-1043 (GB)
As to installation, please refer to installation instructions 5512-1105 (GB).
As the module is de-energised when the calculator top is not mounted, it is not possible to send
Neuron ID by activating the button on the module.
See paragraph 9.8 Pulse inputs VA and VB
describes how the pulse inputs function.
ID is sent by simultaneous activation of both front plate keys of MULTICAL® 62. Wh
e Call
displayed the Neuron ID has been sent.
Radio pulse inputs (67-00-25/26) (PCB 5550-608/640)
The standard version of the radio module is for operation in licence-free frequency bands, but it is also
available for other licence demanding frequencies.
The radio module is prepared to form part of a Kamstrup radio network, the read data being
automatically transferred to system software via the network components RF Router and RF
Concentrator. The radio module has two extra inputs. See paragraph 9.8 concerning the function of
pulse inputs VA and VB.
Kamstrup recommends that an external antenna is mounted on this module if the meter is fitted with
a top module too. This ensures the best possible radio range