Ka st up A/“ •
Des iptio •
Danish regulations for the connection of mains operated meters
Installation of mains connected equipment for registration of consumption (
, safety notification
electric services no. 27/09, February 2009).
The consumption of energy and resources (electricity, heat, gas and water) of the individual consumer is, to
an increasing extent, registered by electronic meters, and often equipment for remote reading and remote
control, of both electronic and non-electronic meters, is used.
General regulations for carrying out installations must be observed. However, the following modifications
are permitted:
If meter or equipment for remote reading or remote control is double-isolated, it is not
necessary to run the protective conductor all the way to the connection point. This also
applies if the connection point is a plug socket
provided that it is placed in a canning which is
sealable or can be opened with key or tool only.
If meter or equipment, used for remote reading and remote control, is connected to a safety transformer
mounted in the panel and direct connected to the branch conductor, no on-off switch or separate
overcurrent protection in either primary or secondary circuit is required
provided that the following
conditions are fulfilled:
The safety transformer must either be inherently short-circuit-proof or fail-safe
The conductor of the primary circuit must either be short-circuit protected by the overcurrent
protection of the branch conductor or short-circuit safely run.
The conductor of the secondary circuit must have a cross section of at least 0.5 mm² and a
current value which exceeds the absolute maximum current deliverable by the transformer
It must be possible to separate the secondary circuit, either by separators, or it must appear
from the installation instructions that the secondary circuit can be disconnected at the
t a sfo e s te i als
General information
Work on the fixed installation, including any intervention in the group panel, must only be carried out by an
authorized electrician.
It is not required that service work on equipment comprised by this notification, as well as connection and
disconnection of the equipment outside the panel, is carried out by an authorized electrician. These tasks
can also be carried out by persons or companies, who professionally produce, repair or maintain
equipment, if only the person carrying out the work has the necessary expert knowledge.