Reference Description
Settling time
200 – 60000 [ms]
Determines the dynamic behaviour in the event
of a change in the active power set value. The
active power is changed according to a PT-1
characteristic curve with a settling time of
5 Tau.
NOTE: The settling time is overlaid with the in-
creasing and decreasing gradient.
Settling time
1000 [ms]
Non-configurable settings 1 s.
If the applicable grid connection guidelines call for the active power to be adjusted to the target value with a defined
gradient or a defined settling time, then the device can be configured in such a way that this gradient is adhered to. In ad-
dition, the gradient can also be implemented on the plant controller. This second solution is to be used for all other in-
Limitation of power gradients
The power reduction parameters can be adjusted in SunSpec model DID123. During this process, you should also check
whether internal and/or external power reduction is active.
Internal power limitation
Parameters for external power limita-
Parameters for power limitation
Status = active
Status = active
Parameters in SunSpec model 123:
Maximum apparent power S
100000 VA
“WMaxLimPct” = 50% P
(approx. 40000 W)
“WMaxLimPct_RvrtTms” = 60 s
“WMacLimPct_RmpTms” = 2 s
“WMaxLim_Ena” = 1
Maximum active power P
= 80%
(approx. 80000 W)
AC fallback active power Pfb = 75% P
(approx. 60000 W)
PT1 settling time = 1 s
Tab. 7:
Sample parameters for power limitation
If the ramp time
in the SunSpec model is specified as 0 s, then the internal output gradient
is used. Otherwise, the set value will be used.
Irrespective of the communication protocol used, the settling time
is used in order to transfer the new
power value. Otherwise, the internally configured value will be used.
The additional ramp time “
specifies the jump time from a power value to the new power
The following formulae are used to calculate the gradient S
KACO blueplanet gridsave 50.0TL3-S
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