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Change-over function of auto / Pedal for sewing speed of the reverse feed stitching at the start
of sewing (Function setting No. 59)
Ths functon selects whether the reverse feed sttchng at the start of sewng s performed wthout a break at
the speed set by the functon settng No. 8 or the sttchng s performed at the speed by the pedal operaton.
0 : Manual The speed s ndcated by the pedal operaton.
1 : Auto Automatic stitching at the specified speed
(Caution) 1. the max. sewing speed of the reverse feed stitching at the start of sewing is limited to
the speed set by the function setting No. 8 regardless of the pedal.
2. When “0” is selected, stitches of reverse feed stitching may not match those of normal
feed stitching.
Needle bar home position retaining function (Function setting Nos. 58, 61 and 179)
When the needle bar is in its specified position, it is retained at that position by applying a gentle brake.
Needle bar home poston retanng functon (Functon settng No. 58)
0 : off Needle bar home poston retanng s dsabled
1 : on Needle bar home poston retanng s enabled (holdng force s weak.)
2 : on Needle bar home poston retanng s enabled (holdng force s medum.)
3 : on Needle bar home poston retanng s enabled (holdng force s strong.)
Needle bar home poston retanng tme (functon settng No. 61)
Ths functon automatcally cancels the functon No. 58 after the lapse of the set tme when the latter s n
the ON state.
Ths functon should be used when you want to turn the sewng machne pulley after the completon of sewng.
0 : Functon s dsabled The needle bar home poston retanng s ena-
bled at all tmes.
100 - 3000 ms < 100ms >
reverse revolution to lift the needle after thread trimming (Function setting No. 56)
Ths functon s used to make the sewng machne rotate n the reverse drecton after thread trmmng to
lft the needle bar almost to hghest poston. Use ths functon when the needle appears under the presser
foot and t s lkely to make scratches on the sewng products of heavy-weght materal or the lke.
0 : off Functon of makng the sewng machne rotate n the reverse drec-
ton to lft the needle after thread trmmng s not provded.
1 : on Functon of makng the sewng machne rotate n the reverse drec-
ton to lft the needle after thread trmmng s provded.
(Caution) the needle bar is raised, by rotating the machine in the reverse direction, almost to the high-
est dead point. this may result in slip-off of the needle thread. It is therefore necessary to adjust
the length of thread remaining after thread trimming properly.
5 8
5 9
5 6
6 1
Tme lmt for needle bar home poston retanng (Functon settng No. 179)
The tme lmt for retenton of the needle bar at ts home poston s set.
0 : The functon s dsabled (no lmt)
1 to 10 sec
7 9
Function of stop immediately after the reverse feed stitching at the start of sewing (Function setting No. 60)
Ths functon temporarly stops the sewng machne even when keepng depressng the front part of the pedal at the
tme of completon of process of reverse feed sttchng at the start of sewng.
It s used when sewng a short length by reverse feed sttchng at the start of sewng.
Stop the sewing machine
temporarily to change
direction of sewing products.
0 : Not provded wth the functon of temporary stop of
the sewng machne mmedately after the reverse
feed sttchng at the start of sewng
1 : Provded wth the functon of temporary stop of the
sewng machne mmedately after the reverse feed
sttchng at the start of sewng
6 0