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E053(*) Notification of production
support functon ntalzaton
(Ths s not an error)
• Ths error number s dsplayed after the
execution of initialization of the produc
ton support functon or upgradng of the
Producton management er-
• Ths error number s dsplayed n the event
of producton management work manage-
ment data fault.
• Reset swtch
E056(*) Work management error
• Ths error number s dsplayed n the event
of data fault.
• Reset swtch
Ptch tme montor error
• Ths error number s dsplayed n the event
of ptch tme montor data fault.
• Reset swtch
Network transmsson faled • Ths message s dsplayed n the case data
cannot be sent to the personal computer by
way of the network.
Check whether the network has any fault.
E067(*) ID reading failed
• Ths message s dsplayed n the case data
in the ID file is broken.
Check whether the data has any fault.
Slp of belt
• When the machine head is locked.
• Belt s loose.
• Check whether there is any holdup when
turnng the motor by hand.
• Check the belt tension.
E071 Disconnection of motor output
• Disconnection of motor connector
• Check the motor output connector for loose
connecton and dsconnecton.
Overload of motor at the tme
of thread trmmng moton
• Same as E007
• Same as E007
USB nserton
• Ths message s dsplayed n the case the
sewng machne s actvated wth the USB
thumb drve nserted.
• Remove the USB thumb drve.
E205(*) Warning of ISS buffer remain
ng amount
• Ths message s dsplayed n the case the
buffer storage for storng the ISS data s
almost full.
If the sewng machne s contnuously
used wth the buffer storage full, the stored
peces of data wll be erased from the earl-
est one.
• Output the data.
E220 Grease-up warning
• When the predetermined number of stitches
has been reached.
• Replenish the specified places with grease
and reset.
(For the detals, refer to the data of the ma-
chne head.)
E221 Grease-up error
• When the predetermined number of stitches
has been reached and the sewng s not
• Replenish the specified places with grease
and reset.
(For the detals, refer to the data of the ma-
chne head.)
Fall detecton swtch falure
(When the safety switch
(Thread trmmng knfe sen-
• When fall detection switch is input in the
state that the power s turned ON.
Machine-head tilt detector's connecter has
come off.
• Thread trmmng knfe poston s not correct.
• Check whether the machine head is tilted
wthout turnng OFF the power swtch (sewng
machne operaton s prohbted for safety
• Check whether the fall detection switch cord
s caught n the sewng machne or the lke.
• Check whether the fall detection switch lever
s caught n somethng.
• Check whether the contact of the tilt detection
swtch lever wth the machne table s nad-
equate. (The table has a dent or the mountng
locaton of the bed strut s too far)
Check the machine-head tilt detector's con
nector (CN48) for looseness and slip-off.
• Postonng of the thread trmmng sensor
• Set the functon settng No. 74 to 0 (zero)
when the thread trmmer s not nstalled on
the sewng machne.
Semcrcular plate sensor er-
• Semcrcular plate sensor sgnal cannot be
• Check whether the machine head corresponds
wth the machne type settng.
• Check whether the motor encoder connector
s dsconnected.
E499 Simplified program data fault • Command parameter data is out of specified
• Re-enter the relevant simplified program.
• Set the simplified program in disable.
Description of error detected
Cause of occurrence expected
Items to be checked
* the error number attached with an asterisk (*) is displayed only in the case a fault occurs when the It
panel is connected to the sewing machine.