8. staNDarD aDJustMENt ....................127
8-1. adjusting the amount of oil in the hook ..127
8-2. adjusting the amount of
lubricating to face plate section ...............127
8-3. adjusting the height of the presser bar ...128
8-4. adjusting the micro-lifting
mechanism of the presser foot .................128
8-5. Height and inclination of the feed dog .....128
8-6. Hook adjusting mode .................................129
8-7. attaching / removing the hook ..................130
8-8. adjusting height of the needle bar ...........131
8-9. adjusting the needle-to-hook timing
and the needle guard .................................131
8-10. adjusting the stop position of
the needle ....................................................132
8-11. adjusting the thread trimmer ..................132
8-12. adjusting the needle thread
feeding device ............................................133
8-13. adjusting the bird's nest prevention
(cB) type wiper ...........................................134
8-14. replacing procedure of the bird’s nest
prevention (cB) type presser knife ...........135
9. MaINtENaNcE .......................................136
9-1. replacing the power fuse ..........................136
9-2. adjusting the contrast of
the operation panel display .......................137
9-3. Draining
(Bird’s nest prevention (cB) type only) ....137
9-4. cleaning the dust bag
(Bird’s nest prevention (cB) type only) ....137
9-5. cleaning the cooling fan installed on the
under cover .................................................138
9-6. cleaning the hook section .........................138
9-7. cleaning the rear cover of
the control box ...........................................138
9-8. cleaning the operation panel screen ......138
9-9. replacing procedure of
the hook shaft oil wick ...............................139
9-10. applying the exclusive grease ................139
10. at a tIME lIKE tHIs ! ..........................140
11. Error DIsPlaY...................................141
11–1. Error code list (Error display in panel) ...142
12. trouBlEs aND corrEctIVE