The timer function provides an integrated timer for each model memory and a
countdown timer too. The integrated timer shows the total time the transmitter has
been turned on for that model, and the countdown timer is useful as a low fuel
Both timers are displayed when returning to the main screen. The countdown
timer is activated using either the bottom push button on the left hand side of the
screen or the trainer switch.
When the count down time is active, the transmitter will beep three times at 30
sec., twice at 20 sec., and beep once every second from 10 sec. to 0 sec. At zero
there will be a continuous tone for 1 second and then the timer will begin counting
up with a + indication to the left of the voltage display. When used as the
stopwatch, the timer will count up to 59 min. 59 sec. and then re-start from zero.
Servo Monitor
The PCM9X provides a servo monitor function screen that allows you to see the
actual real time travel of all 9 channels. This is a useful function to observe the
effects of mixing on your channels. All trim and mixing adjustments are shown.