Function Menu - Glider
To enter the
menu, switch on the transmitter then press the
From here you can choose the following functions:
Dual Rates & Exponential
Dual rates can be defined as the ability to vary the travel or throw rate of a
servo from a switch. Due to differing travel rates, you will find that the
sensitivity of the control either increases or decreases accordingly. A higher
rate, or travel, yields a higher overall sensitivity. You may find it easier to think
of the Dual Rate Function as double-rated or half-rates.
The Dual Rate Function works in conjunction with the Exponential Function
to allow you to precisely tailor your control throws. In Function Mode, use the
scroll bar to select Dual Rate and access by pressing the scroll bar.
Dual rates are available for the aileron, elevator and rudder channels of your
R/C glider. The amount of travel is adjustable from 0-125%; exponential is
adjustable from 0% (LIN) to 100% in 1% increments. The factory setting, or
default value, for both the 0 and 1 switch positions is 100%. Either switch
position may be selected as the low or high rate by placing the
switch in the desired position and adjusting the value accordingly. There is also
an automatic dual rate setting for all three channels, operable from the Flight
Mode Switch.
Typical dual rate settings are as follows
Dual Rate Switch Position
0 Position (reduced servo travel, for fast flight e
.g. 80% D/R, 20% EXP
1 Position (maximum servo travel, for slow flight e
.g. 100% D/R, 10% EXP