Failure and alarm screen
Figure 63: Failure and alarm screen
This screen displays failure indications (time-outs, operation interlock, overcooled refrigerant, over
and under temperatures, and problems with the unit’s pumps) and system alarms.
The failure light in the upper right corner is red. The alarm light is orange.
When a failure occurs, an alarm sounds (buzzer). The type of failure button lights in the Failure
section of the screen. Press the
button to turn off the alarm sound. This can be done
even before the failure is addressed. Turning off the buzzer does NOT fix the problem.
Press the lit failure button to access an on-screen handling guide for each item. An 'on-screen'
guide is available for each item in the Failure and the Alarm sections. See the following for an
example of a solution screen.
Model YHAU-CGN/H-CXR(M)Double Effect Direct Fired Small Absorption Chiller-Heater