Johnson Controls
Guide Specifications (Continued)
Unit Construction
Base Rail -
The unit shall include an integral design
base rail with lifting points clearly marked and visible
on the base rail and a 1-1/4 inch female pipe thread
(FPT) connection for condensate drainage. The unit
base shall be designed with a recessed curb mount
ing location. The recessed curb mounting surface
shall provide a continuous surface for field applica-
tion of curb gasketing to create a weather-tight seal
between the curb and unit.
Unit Casing -
Unit casing shall have double wall in
sulation with injected foam. Insulation application shall
meet NFPA 90 requirements. Insulation system shall
be resistant to mold growth in accordance with UL 181
and ASTM C1338 standardized test methods.
Paint -
Exterior painted surfaces shall be designed
to withstand a minimum of 750 salt spray hours when
tested in accordance with ASTM B-117.
Markings and Diagrams -
All necessary tags and
decals to aid in the service and/or indicating caution
areas shall be provided. Electrical wiring diagrams
shall be attached to the control panel access door.
Documentation -
Installation and maintenance man-
uals shall be supplied with each unit.
Access Doors -
Double wall access doors shall be
provided in the fan, coil, filter, and inlet sections.
Doors shall be double wall construction with a solid
liner and a minimum thickness of 1 inch. Doors shall
be attached to the unit with stainless steel hinges. A
minimum of three 5/16-inch hex-drive, 90° opening
standard finger pull latches shall be provided. [View
ports shall be provided in the supply fan, economizer,
and cooling coil sections.] [Latches shall be single
handle rotary type with three point contact and an
adjustable height handle. Padlockable handle shall
be provided.]
Panels and doors shall be completely gasketed with
a closed-cell, neoprene gasket. Door tiebacks shall
be provided for all doors to secure them while servic
ing. Doors that provide access to positive pressure
segments shall include a safety latch. The safety
latch shall relieve pressure if inadvertently opened
during unit operation. [Doors that provide access to
the ultraviolet (UV) light section shall include an elec
trical switch that will disable UV light operation when
the door is opened.]
Burglar Bars [Optional] -
Burglar bars shall be
mounted in the supply and return opening to prevent
entry into the building through the ductwork. Burglar
bars shall be provided for accessible sections with a
bottom opening.
Economizer Section
Select either no outside air or economizer.
No Outside Air -
The unit has no provisions for out-
side ventilation air.
Modulating Economizer -
The economizer segment
shall be designed to use outside air for cooling, ven-
tilation, and shall provide a means of exhausting air
from the air handling unit. The segment shall consist
of parallel-acting low leak [ultra low leak] dampers.
The outside air (OA) and exhaust air (EA) dampers
shall be sized for 100% of nominal unit airflow. The
EA damper assembly shall have a factory-installed,
foldable rain hood permanently attached to the cabi-
net to prevent windblown precipitation from entering
the unit. The rain hood shall be rotated into the cabi-
net and secured for shipment so that upon installa-
tion, they can be rotated upwards and screwed into
OA inlet openings shall be covered by a factory-
installed foldable rain hood permanently attached
to the cabinet to prevent windblown precipitation
from entering the unit. The rain hoods on the left
and right sides of the unit shall be rotated into the
cabinet and secured for shipment so that upon in-
stallation they can be rotated upwards and screwed
into place. The OA hood shall contain a removable
and cleanable filter with an efficiency rating of 50%
based on ASHRAE 52-76. Damper blades shall be
fabricated from a minimum of 16-gauge galvanized
steel. Damper shafts shall be fabricated from solid
steel and mounted in the frame with bronze bearings.
Economizer Ultra Low Leakage Dampers [Op-
tional] -
Damper assemblies shall be ultra low leak
design. Damper blades shall be fabricated from a
minimum of 16-gauge galvanized steel. Blade edges
shall be covered with vinyl seals. Damper assemblies
shall have a maximum leakage rate of 4 CFM/sq. ft.
at 1.0 inch of water gauge (iwg) when tested in accor
dance with AMCA Standard 500, and have a longevi
ty of 60,000 damper opening and closing cycles. Unit
provided economizer shall meet the damper leakage
and life cycle requirements for ASHRAE 90.1-2016,
2018 International Energy Conservation Code
(IECC), and 2016 California Title 24 standards.