Ingenieurbüro CAT, M. Zipperer GmbH +49-7634-5056-800
Wettelbrunner Straße 6
79282 Ballrechten-Dottingen
Instruction manual JetCat-PRO engines, 1.7 - V12.01V
Hazard Areas
The following diagrams show the hazard areas during engine operation.
Please make sure that these safety areas are kept free of persons during operation.
Always wear safety glasses when operating a jet engine.
Make sure intake area is free of any parts/obstacles possibly being sucked in by the compressor (FOD)!
The engine will produce an immense suction able to aspirate unsecured parts in quite a large radius!
Keep fingers away from intake area!
Make sure that fire extinguishing equipment is present (CO2 fire extinguisher with at least 5kg content)
Hazard areas on engine startup and idle operation