Ingenieurbüro CAT, M. Zipperer GmbH +49-7634-5056-800
Wettelbrunner Straße 6
79282 Ballrechten-Dottingen
Instruction manual JetCat-PRO engines, 1.7 - V12.01V
Last AvgAirSpd
Average flight speed during the last flight
(Only by connected Airspeed sensor!)
Last Distance
Flight distance traveled during the last flight
(Only by connected Airspeed sensor!)
Menu parameters are for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.
All “LAST” values show the results of the last flight, even if the ECU is switched off in the
meantime. These results kept stored up to the next run of engine.
The Statistic-Menu
Totl Run-Time
Total engine running time (excluding startups).
Number of successful engine runs, without errors.
Runs aborted
Number of engine shut downs, caused by the ECU’s safety system.
Ignitions OK
Number of successful ignitions.
Ignitions failed
Number of failed ignitions.
Starts failed
Number of failed starts.
Total fuel count
Total fuel consumption of engine
LoBatt Cut-Outs
Number of cut off due weak battery voltage
Menu parameters are for informational purposes only and cannot be changed.