Ingenieurbüro CAT, M. Zipperer GmbH +49-7634-5056-800
Wettelbrunner Straße 6
79282 Ballrechten-Dottingen
Instruction manual JetCat-PRO engines, 1.7 - V12.01V
Ground Support Unit (GSU)
The GSU serves as a terminal for displaying and programming engine parameters. It
may be connected or disconnected at any time. The real-time nature of the ECU allows
the operator to adjust the engine parameters, even when the engine is running.
Connection of GSU:
There are different ways to connect a GSU to the JetCat-PRO engine:
A) GSU connects to engine sided 4-pin Molex connector
A GSU can be connected to the engine sided 4 pin Molex connector via Interface adaptor:
This 4pin Molex connector also allows to connect e.g. a smoke pump or LCU.
It supplies switched battery power and data to the devices attached.
If the GSU is connected this way (via 4-pin Molex connector), there is no serial interface connection available on the
GSU connector!
B) GSU connects to the JetCat PRO-interface
GSU connector
Bus adapter,
4-pin Molex