Section 6: BoxWriter© Matrix & Elite Editor
Marksman Matrix & Elite
2465-623 User Manual Rev F
Page 53
shown at right.
Average width: Defines
the average character
width (in pixels). A value
of 0 means that Win-
dows will use the font's
default widths.
Name: Allows the count
description to be
changed. There can be
up to two unique counts.
Master Count: The ele-
ment that can be con-
trolled by Change
Master: Indicates to the
sofware that this count
will be controlling all
counts throughout the
particular message and
will lock out the other count settings during the start of the task.
Start value: Displays the starting value of the counter.
Roll over on: Determines when the counter rolls back to the Start value. (The maximum
number of digits for this field is six.)
Increment by: The number of units added to the current count when a photosensor event is
Number of digits: Determines the number of significant digits printed. If "Leading zeros" is
checked, the count will be padded with zeros. For the example shown here, 000001 would
be printed.
Orientation: Determines if the data is printed horizontally or vertically. See “Text” on
page 51 for examples of horizontal and vertical text.