Section 6: BoxWriter© Matrix & Elite Editor
Marksman Matrix & Elite
2465-623 User Manual Rev F
Page 41
An example of UPCA barcode parame-
ters is shown at right.
Magnification: The value displayed in the
Magnification field on the Barcode ele-
ment dialog.
Bar height: The total height of the symbol
in pixels.
Bar width and Space width: Define the
width, in pixels, of the symbol's bar/space
Font name: Displays a list of all TrueType
fonts installed on the system.
Font size: The height of the font in pixels.
Avg font width: Defines the aver-
age character width (in pixels). A
value of 0 means that Windows
will use the font's default widths.
Magnification: The value dis-
played in the Magnification field
on the Barcode element dialog.
Total height: The total height of
the symbol in pixels.
Horz. bearer: Specifies the width
of the symbol's horizontal bearer,
in thousandths of an inch.
Vert bearer: Specifies the width
of the symbol's vertical bearer, in
thousandths of an inch.
Quite zone: Specifies the width of
the symbol's quiet zone, in thou-
sandths of an inch.
Font Name: Displays a list of all TrueType fonts installed on the system.
Font Size: Refers to the height of the font in pixels.