Section 5: Getting Started
Marksman Matrix & Elite
2465-623 User Manual Rev F
Page 22
Configure, Production Line
The production line configuration allows for
grouping of settings that relate to a
particular setup. Select
, then
Production Line
form the menu. To edit a
line, select it and click
; or double click
the line.
Add: The Add button allows for the addi-
tion of another production line, for a maxi-
mum of two production lines.
Delete: The Delete button allows for the
removal of a production line form the configuration. All messages created for the produc-
tion line will be deleted.
Description: The description field is used to help define the production line.
Coupled: If this field is checked, starting a message on one line will also start in on the
other. The same is true for Stop, Idle and Resume. Note that you must have a two lines
configured to use this feature.
Fixed Scanner
This group defines the parameters for a
fixed scanner that may be connected to
the Controller, The data is stored under
the Scan Report (see “Reports” on
page 28).
No Read String: The No Read String must
match the No Read string that is transmit-
ted by a fixed scanner. The printing will be
stopped upon reaching the maximum
Consecutive No Reads: The consecutive
No Reads field is used to preform a quality check on barcodes that are printed, This value
determines the maximum number of consecutive No Reads that may be transmitted by a
fixed scanner. The printing will be stropped upon reaching the maximum value.
Serial Download Port: Please select the port to be used to send the data out if it is required
to be transmitted to a device at the start of each task. The data is entered through the
Editor Task properties.
Reset on Task Start: The Reset on Task start check box determines that the current num-
ber of consecutive No Reads will be reset to zero upon a message start.
Buffer Offset: The Buffer Offset value determines the number of characters to offset into
the buffer as transmitted by the hand scanner.
Data Length: The Data Length value determines the number of characters to extract from
the data buffer that will form a task name.