User’s manual rev.0.0 (Preliminary)
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MU-C656.xxxxxxxxxx r.0.0-EN
About this manual
This manual is applicable to the equipments:
VX121P-QM57 code number C656.xxxxxxxxxx (Panel PC with 12.1” LCD)
VX151P-QM57 code number C756.xxxxxxxxxx (Panel PC with 15” LCD)
VX171P-QM57 code number C856.xxxxxxxxxx (Panel PC with 17” LCD)
where x means configurations and options according to ordination code.
The identification code number is on the back side of the chassis.
In the continuation of this manual these equipments are called “Panel PC”.
The motherboard user’s manual is provided with the Panel PC.
The motherboard is CP100-NRM model.
If problems occur contact I.P.S. technical support.
The user’s manuals are a part of the product.
Take care of these manuals and refer to them in the future for information about
the Panel PC and the motherboard.
Target group
This manual has been written for the following readers:
Installation engineers who perform the mechanical and electrical installation of
the VX121P/151P/171P(-QM57) Panel PC.
Service and maintenance engineers who install upgrade or spare parts.
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) users.