iPECS eMG800
Hardware Description and Installation Manual
Issue 1.8
SLIBC (Single Line Interface Board w/RJ21)
There are two kinds of SLIB12C/SLIB24C according to CPU, but they have the same functions.
The SLIBC is available in two (2) models, the SLIB12C with 12 SLT ports and the SLIB24C with 24 SLT ports.
The SLIBC is identical to the SLIB except the SLT ports of the SLIBC are terminated in a 25-pair RJ21 female
connector. The SLIBC provides FSK (ITU-T V.23 or Bell 202) or DTMF (ITU-T Q.23) Caller ID function to the
SLT. The SLT ports provide the -48 VDC source, current limited to 20 mA, to operate the SLT and support the
Message Wait Indication, DTMF, or Pulse Dial signaling, Polarity reversal, sinusoidal Ring generator, and GR-
909 Line Testing.
Figure 4.4.2-1 SLIB12/24C