SBXL52: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide
Error symptoms
This section describes methods for troubleshooting other error symptoms.
Error symptom charts
You can use the error symptom charts to find solutions to problems that have definite symptoms (see
“Error symptoms” on page 83).
If you cannot find the problem in the error symptom charts, go to “Starting the diagnostic programs”
on page 22 to test the blade server.
Small computer system interface messages
This information only applies if a storage expansion unit is available. If your receive a SCSI error
message when running the SCSI Select Utility program, see “SCSI error codes” on page 95.
If your server does not have a hard disk drive, ignore any message that indicates that the BIOS
is not installed.
Light path diagnostics* feature overview
If the system-error LED on the system LED panel on the front or rear of the SBCE unit is lit, one or
more error LEDs on the SBCE unit components also might be on. These LEDs help identify the
cause of the problem.
Identifying problems using the light path diagnostics
This section provides the information to identify, using the light path diagnostics, problems that
might arise during installation. To locate the actual component that caused the error, you must locate
the lit error LED on that component.
For example: