SBCEFCSW/SBFCM: HMM and Troubleshooting Guide
The following is an example of the Set Config Port command.
FCSM: user1> admin start
FCSM (admin) : user1> config edit
FCSM (admin-config) : user1> set config port 0
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value.
If you wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list
press 'q' or 'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
Configuring Port Number: 0
AdminState (1=Online, 2=Offline, 3=Diagnostics, 4=Down) [Online ]
LinkSpeed (1=1Gb/s, 2=2Gb/s, 3=Auto) [Auto ]
PortType (TL / GL / G / F / FL / Donor) [GL ]
TLPortMode (1=TLTargetMode, 2=TLInitiatorMode) [TLTargetMode]
ISLSecurity (Any / Ours / None) [Any ]
SymPortName (string, max=32 chars) [Port0 ]
ALFairness (True / False) [False ]
ARB_FF (True / False) [False ]
InteropCredit (decimal value, 0-255) [0 ]
ExtCredit (dec value, increments of 11, non-loop only) [0 ]
FANEnable (True / False) [True ]
LCFEnable (True / False) [False ]
MFSEnable (True / False) [True ]
MFS_TOV (decimal value, 10-20480 msec) [10 ]
MSEnable (True / False) [True ]
NoClose (True / False) [False ]
IOStreamGuard (Enable / Disable) [Disabled ]
VIEnable (True / False) [False ]
CheckAlps (True / False) [False ]
Finished configuring attributes.
This configuration must be saved (see config save command) and
Determines communication among ports/devices in
the absence of an active zone set. “All” enables all
ports/devices to communicate with one another.
“None” prohibits communication among
Table 10. Set Config zoning parameters (continued)