SBCEFCSW/SBFCM: HMM and Troubleshooting Guide
SNMP configuration
SNMP configuration defines how authentication traps are managed. Table 34 describes the SNMP
configuration parameters.
SNMP trap configuration
The SNMP trap configuration defines how traps are set. Table 35 describes the SNMP trap
configuration parameters.
Table 34. SNMP configuration parameters
Specifies the name of the person to contact for trap events. The default is
Read community
Read Community Authentication. A write-only field; the value on the switch
module and the SNMP management server must be the same. The default value
is Public.
Trap community
Trap Community Authentication. A write-only field; the value on the switch
module and the SNMP management server must be the same. The default value
is Public.
Specifies the switch module location. The default is undefined.
Authentication trap
Enables or disables the reporting of SNMP authentication failures. If enabled,
and the incorrect community string values are used, an authentication failure
event occurs and a notification trap is sent to the configured trap addresses. The
default value is False.
Write community
Write Community Authentication. A write-only field; the value on the switch
module and the SNMP management server must be the same. The default value
is Private.
Table 35. SNMP trap configuration parameters
Trap enabled
Select this check box to enable or disable the trap.
Trap address
Specifies the IP address to which SNMP traps are sent. The default is
for trap 1 and for traps 2–5. A maximum of five trap addresses are
Trap port
The port number on which the trap is set.
Trap severity
Specifies a severity level to assign to the trap. Open the menu and select a
level. Traps must be enabled to access this menu. Trap severity levels include
Unknown, Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notify, Info, Debug, and